Tuesday, February 22, 2011

A Fragment a Day

All of the books I have on my bookshelf just sit. It's kind of a shame. They shuffle around from time to time, but only rarely do my hands pull them out. So many inspiring and stimulating words within them, and yet I rarely experience them. So I'm starting a new series: "A Fragment a Day." Just a fragment from one of these books each day. It will be from the first page I randomly turn to.

Today I pulled out:

Selected Poems of Ezra Pound


O generation of the thoroughly smug

and thoroughly uncomfortable,

I have seen fishermen picnicking in the sun,

I have seen them with untidy families,

I have seen their smiles full of teeth

and heard ungainly laughter.

And I am happier than you are,

And they are happier than I am;

And the fish swim in the lake

and do not even own clothing.

Side note: Kind of funny that I bought this collection of poems when I was obsessed with Regina Spektor when I was 19 and a freshman in college. I kind of really hate her now, BUT, that's besides the point. Still brings back nostalgia. I also still like this song - perhaps because I always liked her first album more than her subsequent ones. And I think its funny that the use of Ezra Pound's name in this song made me buy his poetry. Hurray for teen angst.

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